Thursday, July 4, 2024



Few would argue with this statement, and yet as we look around us, how many cases of abuse do we c? B it the working animal on the farm or the wild animal caged 4 amusement and entertainment, we have come 2 accept as normal the atrocious lack of respect we show the other inhabitants of this planet. Bcuz we r unable 2 communicate with another species, we c them as inferior. We feel we have the right 2 dominate, control and kill them.

Alice Walker, the author of The Color Purple said, "The animals of the world exist 4 their own reasons. They were not made 4 humans any more than black people were made 4 white or women created 4 men." This is a truth that can't b disputed. There r things that u can do 2day that will not only save the lives of thousands of innocent animals but also improve ur own health and well being in ways that u never imagined.

Many people follow a vegan diet purely 4 health reasons. In the words of nutritional expert Michael Kalper, M.D., "Ur body has absolutely no nutritional requirement 4 the flesh or milk of other animals." All r requirements can b obtained through non-animal sources. The prevalent diseases of Western societies are diseases of excess, rather than deficiency. According 2 the American Dietetic Association, vegetarians have a lower risk of heart disease, stroke, colon cancer, osteoporosis, diabetes, obesity, kidney stones, gallstones and hypertension. Heart disease is strongly linked with elevated levels of cholesterol, which is found only in animal products. Residues of antibiotics, hormones, pesticides, herbicides and other 2xins from the environment accumulate in animal fat. Bacterial contamination of animal products has been known 2 cause illness and death. All the nutrients that the body requires can be obtained by eating a balanced vegan diet.

Animals experience many of the same emotions as humans do. When confronted with a bellowing cow, meat industry consultant and Professor of Animal Sciences, Dr. Temple Grandin noted, "That's 1 sad, unhappy, upset cow. She wants her baby. Bellowing 4 it, hunting 4 it. It is like grieving, mourning - not much is written about it. People don't like 2 allow [animals] thoughts or feelings."

According 2 veterinarian Dr. Michael Fox, "As 4 chemistry of the central nervous system, we know that there is no difference in kind between humans and other animals, the biochemistry of physiological and emotional states (of stress and anxiety, 4 example) differ little between mice and men."

There are multitudes of abusive practices that occur in the livestock industry 2day. These practices r not in the public eye, but neither are they kept secret. Anyone who doubts that they occur on a large scale need only glance through farm industry magazines 2 c that abusive practices are promoted by the industry and even defended as being necessary 4 the production of low cost meat.

The vast majority of animals do not live like those 1 might c while driving through the countryside. Rather, billions of animals r raised each year on farms owned or controlled by large corporations. Corporations promote intensive farming systems where animals are treated more like objects in a factory than living beings, which is why they r called factory farms. The animals r kept in cages or pens with little room 2 move, often in windowless buildings. They must breath the ammonia and stench created from the waste of thousands of other animals living in the same building, burning their sinuses and causing respiratory disease. They r often handled and slaughtered brutally. In order 2 keep the animals alive, antibiotics r mixed with their feed. Over 50 percent of all the antibiotics used in the US alone are fed 2 livestock (a practice that leads 2 drug-resistant bacteria). Despite this, a significant proportion of animals die of illness.

Hormones r administered and lighting and feeding schedules r manipulated 2 make animals grow larger. This oversizing causes pain in their joints, which is aggravated by the fact that the animals spend their entire lives on concrete, slatted metal, or wire mesh floors.

Farm animal handlers often react 2 the animals with impatience, callousness and even blatant, overt cruelty. In the US trade magazine Meat and Poultry, livestock consultant Dr. Temple Grandin reported numerous cases of deliberate cruelty. These included workers who enjoy killing and tormenting animals on purpose, taking sadistic pleasure from shooting the eyes out of cattle, striking them in the head, and electrically shocking animals in sensitive parts of their bodies.

Animals in slaughterhouses can hear those ahead of them being shackled and killed, can smell the stench and can sometimes c the slaughter. All animals fight 4 their lives and struggle with all their remaining strength 2 get away.

Like prejudices based on skin color or gender, animals are exploited because of speciesism - a prejudice against others because they belong 2 another species. Like humans enslaved, exploited and exterminated throughout his2ry, animals r victims of the philosophy "might makes right" in which the less powerful are used and killed.

R thanks 4 help in researching this article goes 2 Vegan Outreach. Portions of this article are taken from their Why Vegan booklet.

We thank them 4 giving us permission 2 use it.

"We're all members of the animal kingdom. Leave your brothers and sisters in the sea."


"The question is not, can they reason? Nor, can they talk? But rather, can they suffer?"

Jeremy Bentham, 19th C Philosopher


"People often say that humans have always eaten animals, as if this is a justification 4 continuing the practice. According 2 this logic, we should not try 2 prevent people from murdering other people, since this has also been done since the earliest of times."

Isaac Bashevis Singer, Nobel Laureate


"Until we extend r circle of compassion 2 all living things, humanity will not find peace."

Dr. Albert Schweitzer


"Vegetarianism is a natural step 4 anyone seeking 1ness with the spirit. Nothing is more powerful than an individual acting out their conscience, thus helping bring the collective conscience 2 life."

Norman Cousins


"The vegetarian movement ought 2 fill with gladness the souls of those who have at heart the realization of God's kingdom upon earth."

Leo Tolstoy, Author of War and Peace

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