Thursday, July 4, 2024



Volume One, Issue One
Welcome 2 The Voice, a webpage of news inspired by the universe. The stories within b gin where daily newspapers and news journals leave off... we aspire 2 take u higher. Check your preconceptions at the door and step inside.......

In r first issue, we find it appropriate 2 discuss the first issue ever brought upon humanity...the cause of death of Adam and Eve. We r not concerned with the physical ailments leading 2 their demise, but with what brought death in2 their realm of xsistence, the literal Garden of Eden, in the first place...was it the fruit, or the words told 2 them about the fruit?

The story b gins in the Garden. Life is eternal bliss... man and woman r naked, happy, and free from shame and all negative thoughts. Beautiful trees provide them with an endless supply of food, and beautiful creatures provide companionship. Adam is even entrusted 2 name all his new friends.

Only one cre8ion in the garden was 2 b left alone - the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Yet Eve, after listening 2 the serpent's xplanation that knowledge of good and evil would not kill her but make her God-like, decides 2 eat the fruit and shares it with Adam. Soon, the couple xperiences shame. They hide their nakedness from each other and try 2 hide from God, but God finds them, hands down a death sentence and xpels them from the Garden.

If God had not told them about the tree, would they still have died if they ate of it? If the serpent hadn't told Eve it was OK 2 eat that fruit, would she have considered it? Which killed them, the fruit or belief in words?

Consider the story of a man with a terminal heart condition. Doctors and specialists agreed his days here were winding 2 a close. One day, after his checkup, the man overhears his doctor and nurse discussing another patient. "His ticker's in great shape. We can take him off the medication and cancel his visit with the specialist... he's fine."

The man mistakenly thinks they r discussing him, and soon his heart trouble disappears.

On the other side is a woman who has survived many ailments thru her years in a nursing home, always clinging 2 life. Yet when told she had cancer, she gave up her zest 4 life and stopped eating. She passed on within 2 weeks.

We've all read stories of people who were told they would never walk again, yet didn't believe it was true, and soon xperienced full recovery. Or of inner-city children who were told no one makes it out of the ghetto, yet chose instead 2 bring their own dreams in2 reality, moving on 2 cre8 all the success and happiness they imagined.

So which was the killer, the fruit or the words?

Volume One, Issue Two
"The One"

As 1ce we were, 1ce we shall b again.

What does "one" mean? It is perhaps the most misunderstood and least contemplated concepts of all humanity, yet is also a word of unrivaled importance.

2 uncover the source of r misconceptions, we travel back 1ce again 2 the initial separation - the lie and subsequent fall from grace in the Garden of Eden. After the incident with the fruit, Adam realized he was one man, Eve was one woman, and the 2 were not the same. Up until then, they lived in complete happiness. But now, in shame and embarrassment over their difference, they separated themselves with clothing made of leaves. They realized they were both different than another one walking through the garden - God - and hid from him as well.

2day, there is rampant use of the word 'one' as a term of separation. "I'll take one of those,"..."this is the last one," "we're number one," "someone," "no one"... Used this way, the word imposes boundaries - verbal barriers and walls of separation between otherwise like objects and beings.

Buried in the rubble of layers and layers of implied separation there rests a gem of truth. One is not the smallest number, but the greatest. If all the world's "ones" were added 2gether, what would that b? One. Wholeness, completion, totality. ONE.

ONE has been r mission ever since that fateful day in The Garden... returning 2 the oneness we already r. Living as one individual instead of the one collective has created a thirst in r souls. We all long 2 b long 2 some thing, some 4ce greater than rselves, yet may not know y. We all have a soulneed 2 "reconnect" 2 the tremendous source that now only lingers as a hologram in r minds, a deja vu from whence we don't quite remember.

Perhaps this is no more apparent than with the xploding popularity of the internet. One person fires up a computer and is soon communicating with one other person at a computer hundreds of miles away, and then another on a computer thousands of miles away. Distance and age disappear. Income, physical traits, occupation and origin no longer matter. The individuals "connect." It is no longer one person + one person + one person... all have b come one.

One day we will return 2 this oneness in all aspects of life... we will remain connected 2 one another without relying on the blind, 4ced equality of a computer screen 2 do so. We r here 2 gain the knowledge and enlightenment 2 do this on r own, 2 re-member we r already members of a oneness devoid of stereotypes and preconceptions... a unity that crosses all cultures, creeds, ages and mindsets. It is r one quest and r one destiny - ONE - 4 as 1ce we were, we shall b again.

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