Friday, July 5, 2024


 Chat 01/19/99:

The participants in this Xperience in Truth
were as follows:

  • Rosie Gaines
  • L4OA: - The Collective

  • InJoy!

    It starts....

    The Artist: good afternoon

    L4OA: good afternoon

    : altho eye spoke thru others b4 let me just say eye adore the new

    L4OA: thank u :)
    L4OA: all have worked hard
    L4OA: good inspiration and energy

    : eye thought eye was the most talented person on earth!

    L4OA: lol

    : alas eye am wrong!
    : ? ME!

    L4OA: what do u hope 2 accomplish with L4OA?

    : my own personal objectives...
    : change daily...that is y eye defer 2 the people at paisley
    : that eye love and respect the most
    : some of whom u c online from time 2 time...
    : in the chats

    L4OA: no permanent objectives?

    : the site can and will accomplish many things...
    : 4 me...the initial objective was 2 have a visible place...
    : 4 my thoughts
    : and now eye can c....
    : that 2gether
    : ..all of us... can..
    : determine r own futures
    : 1st in a virtual..
    : sense and then in reality
    : l4oa...
    : did u watch madonna on larry king last nite?

    L4OA: Yes we did! Did u?

    : yes... in hopes she would respond 2 my dream
    : she did not
    : one day, maybe

    L4OA: did u think she would?

    : eye thought she would not...but held out hope

    L4OA: do u know if she owns the masters 2 Maverick artists?

    : eye do not know 4 sure...but eye would guess..she has a stake in
    : would love 2 ask

    L4OA: do u plan on reaching out 2 other artists?

    : when eye DO speak 2 other artists now that is all we talk
    : the day when all of us r free

    L4OA: :)

    : ....when u r tied up...
    : in contracts,
    : the notion of freedom is far fetched
    : it is not even a consideration...
    : but when the inner dialogue begins...
    : it is a road that one cannot easily turn back from

    L4OA: have u heard the latest Public Enemy track, "Swindler's Lust" ?

    : eye have heard about it
    : eye watched chuck on tv last nite
    : he is a very wise man

    L4OA: "Politically Incorrect" ?

    : yes

    L4OA: :)

    : the host was a bit xcitable
    : martin would have been 70

    L4OA: the chorus of "SL" goes "if u don't own the masters,
    the master owns you"

    L4OA: sound familiar

    : yes, eye have heard

    L4OA: yes

    : u know...
    : every great artist has a slogan that best captures his life...
    : eye hope eye am remembered 4 that one

    L4OA: is owning the masters of older material a necessary part of

    : the master recordings will represent me in the future...when eye have..
    : passed in2 spirit

    L4OA: what can your friends not in the biz, do that can help
    u in your quest?

    : well, one thing should b noted:
    : this is a personal issue of mine-
    : the pursuit of my legacy as embodied in the recordings...
    : as 4 other artists..
    : if it is their wish 2 4 their descendants
    : 2 retain control of the work they did in the past..
    : it is wise 4 all artists 2 own the master tapes
    : r purpose is 2 now raise public awareness...
    : so that the future generations have it hammered in2 their...
    : essence...that if u don't own ur masters...
    : ur masters own u!
    : so far so good

    L4OA: we have a place in the "Get Yo Groove On" section 4 that kind of in4mation

    L4OA: it is important 2 stand 4 what one believes

    : eye saw a movie last nite...
    : stepmom

    L4OA: tell us about it?

    : interesting how they handled problems...hollywood-style
    : the mom would give her solution 2 a problem with no spiritual base in mind..
    : and the kids would just agree...
    : and all is well, but God never comes in2 it
    : once again...MAN saves the day

    Rosie Gaines: hey whats up, its rosie gaines

    L4OA: high Rosie!!

    : is that rosie?

    Rosie Gaines: yes

    : whaddup sis?

    L4OA: Is a Rosie Gaines release on NPG in the works? :)

    : ask her?

    Rosie Gaines: i dont know thats up to my brother
    Rosie Gaines: i would like that

    L4OA: An a side note, Rosie and The Artist were INCREDIBLE 2gether in Vegas

    Rosie Gaines: thanks that was so much fun for me

    : can eye xplain NPG?
    : is a virtual recording process...
    : Chaka Khan 4 xample recorded at the Park...4 free..
    : if she required assistance....
    : she called upon us...

    Rosie Gaines: yes you know that i would love

    : once finished she took the product away 2 sell
    : her and eye rarely speak now,as she is working hard on her
    : NPG is only a logo really and a mindstate
    : in which artists..
    : work 2gether with no xchange of $$$
    : that is the ultimate goal

    Rosie Gaines: ok lets do it

    L4OA: So, they don't have 2 watch the clock n the studio, just

    : yes

    L4OA: that mindstate is true in this website collective as

    : nor worry about...
    : managers and lawyers and union fees 4 session work and all that
    : ok lemme call my lawyer and manager and record company president 2 get permission
    : y....
    : would eye pay the union cuz rosie asked me 2 sing?
    : rosie is there a npg release in r future?

    Rosie Gaines: yes
    Rosie Gaines: i'm always working on my spirit my brother

    L4OA: freedom :)
    L4OA: Do u think it would b best, for artists to run the business side of the arts? and not suits

    : in all fairness...
    : as long as artists have 2 market their work in the current structure...
    : of things they will never have that much success...
    : when NPG has been successful is when we worked outside of the current structure

    L4OA: is it possible 2 b a "commercial success" in this current culture outside of "industry" ?

    : how do u deem success?
    : Larry G. eye would say is very well off now
    : and very happy
    : Chaka Khan judging by ...
    : tha latest Jet cover story(the magazine of choice)
    : is very happy as well

    L4OA: "commercial success" meaning having the numbers of other stars

    : is that success?

    Rosie Gaines: no

    : do they own the master tapes?

    L4OA: no

    : it is all subjective
    : life is subjective
    : the problem with artists occur when they gauge their worth based upon someone else's illusion
    : eye fell prey 2 it, bigtime
    : eye WANTED the biggest CONtract in history
    : and so eye got:
    : it really came 2 118 million ....on paper!

    L4OA: what opened ur eyes?

    : God and my pursuit of the truth
    : do u all want 2 get in2 it?

    L4OA: of course :)

    : all humankind suffers from love of self....
    : the industry as it is structured now...
    : feeds that...
    : eye took a meeting with MTV and asked them y they would not play The Most Beautiful Girl in
    : the World video...
    : they said they did not like it...

    L4OA: y?

    : eye asked them...ok what type of video should eye make...
    : a man(who is no longer in charge-at least not on paper) said..
    : "well, the racier stuff seems 2 work best 4 u!"
    : when, in reality...
    : eye write many different types of songs...
    : and could make many different types of videos.
    : chuck was trying 2 xplain that last night...
    : the music business caters 2...
    : the separation -1st of self and then individuals

    L4OA: u once said u didn't like videos...
    L4OA: do u see them as a necessary evil?

    : at all

    L4OA: but u still make them...

    : eye am busy working on an alternative, now
    : eye have said this in the past...eye have no problem doing
    : in a respectful manner
    : a manner in which...
    : the word "own" does not enter the conversation

    L4OA: r major labels open 2 that idea?

    : eye hope.
    : there r some at sony that r cool
    : there
    : truth depends on ur point of view
    : some believe
    : the best thing about this site...
    : is that u all challenge current mis...understandings
    : truth is ever-evolving

    L4OA: Instead on 1 video - What about another spiritual movie?

    : after 2000, perhaps

    L4OA: y wait?

    : then eye think people will b ready 4 the truth
    : the ones awakened were awake in '88

    Rosie Gaines: isn't that about nothing but love?

    : xplain, rosie...please

    Rosie Gaines: love is the only thing we need to know about, loving GOD. GOD and us are one

    L4OA: There is no separation - it is illusion

    L4OA: love=God=oneness

    Rosie Gaines: we are all the same souls because the father are in us and we with the father

    : Preach, sista!

    L4OA: lol

    Rosie Gaines: yes my brother

    Rosie Gaines: O}+>, i'm sending you a love bomb

    L4OA: A love bomb! Cool!

    L4OA: O}+>, we keep hearing about a new album...what's up?

    : eye have written and recorded many new songs but not all of them go
    : 2gether...
    : so rather than have a hodgepodge, eye might once again release
    several albums
    : but this time...eye will release all at the same time
    : ...get what u desire

    L4OA: freedom is a beautiful thing

    : u know what...eye would love 2 do an acoustic record with Chaka
    : and a ballad album with Larry
    : and get Rosie's "HIT U IN THE SOCKET" out!

    L4OA: Yeah! :)

    : u got that cassette Rosie?
    : play it online 4 us!

    Rosie Gaines: yes its the bomb

    L4OA: what is the status of Roadhouse Garden?

    : Roadhouse Garden got sidelined 4 a sec but it will take at the most - 3 weex 2 finish..
    : most of the trax were cool 2 begin with
    : they just needed minimal production and a mix

    L4OA: any titles - or is it a surprise? :)

    : some titles include...
    : "Witness 4 the Prosecution"...
    : and...
    : "SPLASH"
    : which was one of my favorites
    : all the songs that Wendy and Lisa sang on were left off...
    : of the Crystal Ball package
    : 2 save 4 a Revolution album

    L4OA: cool :)

    L4OA: yes! :)

    : what did u all think of The Ball?

    L4OA: A lot of fun :)

    L4OA: where's Volume 2 and 3 and 4 :)

    : GREEDY!

    L4OA: u know it :)

    : it's cool...cuz when it is someone eye dig, eye want everything they do
    : eye was that way with James Brown in the 60's
    : and 70's

    L4OA: :)

    L4OA: I think "The Truth" got lost in the CB pack - needs a separate release/promo

    : The Truth is scheduled 4 rerelease in 2000
    : eye hope u all treat the new website as ur home, cuz we do

    L4OA: yes

    L4OA: Any chance of a live CD or video?

    : one of the benefits of this online connection..
    : is that u all can tell us what it is u want
    : this can and will b a very useful medium

    L4OA: yes

    : b4 the record companies used 2 underwrite r work
    : now U ALL can

    L4OA: FREE dom :)
    L4OA: We do it 4 love.

    Rosie Gaines: yes you do

    Rosie Gaines: my brother, i'm out, one love always

    L4OA: Bye Rosie...Thanks for stopping bye! Love4oneanother

    : peace rosie...love4oneanother

    L4OA: O}+>, any comment on "1999" being used in Coke commercials? I heard that it will b

    : we have not approved any cola company using the song 1999

    L4OA: cool

    : eye am against that
    : if that occurs it furthers the argument and eventual
    : turnover of the masters back 2 their rightful owner

    L4OA: do u have the final say or not?

    : my attorneys r handling bores me 2 discuss
    : eye don't think Time Warner would even do something like that

    L4OA: so attorneys r useful sometimes :)

    : yes, attorneys r useful in this current system
    : if the system were different there would b no need 4 them
    : any final ?'s

    L4OA: yes...

    L4OA: the Ways of Pharaoh...

    L4OA: thoughts:

    L4OA: we have 2 look at cd singles...twice now when we think
    of buying them...

    : eye urge all artists and journalists who ever pondered the real
    reasons behind the tension...
    : eye had at Warners 2 check out this page..

    L4OA: explain the breach of CONtract on this issue for

    : it is self xplanatory

    L4OA: Y trust these people (the collective) u have never met 2 create ur

    : eye have met...
    : ur personalities r online...
    : in the section marked:
    : ONE
    : that is the real U

    L4OA: how is Mayte doing these days, we miss her?

    : Mayte is always fine
    : we purchased a new home...
    : it was my present 2 her
    : eye want 2 post a picture of it if u all do not mind... peep this!

    L4OA: not at all

    L4OA: outside of ventures like NPG Dance - what other forums would you like to see your art seen?

    : EYE AM WRITING A MUSICAL that eye would like 2 present sometime
    this summer

    L4OA: a musical??? oh wow:)

    L4OA: Plot?

    : secret plot
    : very political
    : eye am taking time off now...mayte and eye r studying
    : eachother

    L4OA: awww....that's beautiful...

    L4OA: Thanx 4 dropping by the house.

    : u all have been cool and eye wanna do this again

    L4OA: one last ?

    L4OA: r u and Mayte 2gether still....

    : O}+> and Mayte r 2gether 4 ever!

    L4OA: good :)



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