Thursday, July 4, 2024



Welcome 2 the creation page - the fertile nrg garden where we, the new power generation farmers, plant dreamseeds that will birth a new reality of earth. Ever-evolving ONELOVE will provide the nourishment 2 bring r visions in2 being. Let's continue the flow... earth, when spelled in a circle, spells "heart". Let's think with the heart and keep this circle evolving with r images of a new planetary love... as u dream them up, write them out, plant them in ur mind and watch them grow. Share ur dreams with ur friends and watch them become reality... 2gether, we can real-ize all we INvision.

"If u could create a planet, what would it b like?"

A place where the pursuit of knowledge, wisdom, creativity, and virtue is rewarded and appreciated as ones' true wealth. A place that is colorful and colorblind filled with love, laughter, and unity on all levels of consciousness. A place where simplicity and moderation is in rhythm with growth. Spirituality is the King Love is the Queen. Peace is the Princess. Positivity is the Prince. Harmony is the Children. Nature is the Playground.

It would be a planet where people could read each other's mind...that way there couldn't be anymore lies...we would all be able 2 understand each other much better...we could read animals minds..therefore we would never hurt them anymore...we would need 2 develop A beautiful mind.. rather than only a beautiful body....and I would name it "SPIRITUS SANCTUS"

If I had a planet, everyone would be a different color. Children would be a different color from their parents, one lover would be a different color from the other...that way everyone would have to appreciate the uniqueness of color. There would be no industries, no businesses....just music and poetry...the simple gifts of lyric and sound. People would eat, work, and maintain the land full of unpolluted lakes, waterfalls, streams, trees, fields of grass and the type of beauty only nature can provide. People would LISTEN to each other, TALK to one another, LOVE one another, and allow themselves to be what we were all put on Earth to be...simply human.

if i could cre8 another planet it would sorta' be like they say the garden of eden was. but there would be no tree of life. no evil spirit 2 choose judgement- these things wouldn't be a part of anyone's character. no conception of time. spirits would be intuned with one another. there would be an underlying serenity there...joyful.

All around there'd be lush foliage, fragrant florals, TONS of music, art, creativity...and happy faces. The season would always be somewhere between late spring and early summer. There would be no working for money, only living for love. "Love4OneAnother." Everyone would perfect and utilize their God-given talents to provide for themselves, their families and all beings, by bartering their wares or services. Every being would be well-nourished, clothed (if they cared to be), have shelter, happiness and peace. There would exist no physical, emotional or psychological ails; no woes, so sorrow. There would be no captives - animal, mineral or vegetable. Inside all would be an inherent desire to cultivate one's spirit, body, mind and environment, always maintaining a healthy balance. AND EVERYONE WOULD HAVE SMILE LINES!!!

I would create a world of children. The days are illuminated by their innocence. Nightly, a fresh rain will fall cleansing anything that had managed to infest the planet with impurities. The laughter of the children will be the only language known and tears will be shed only for joy...a juvenile planet. That would be my world.

If I could create a planet I would want it to be a place where everyone's dreams, wishes, hopes and goals could be accomplished. This world would be a place where love was the most important thing in the world not power or money.

Welcome FRIENDS to my planet! It is a place of Love, Peace, and TOLERANCE! It is a place where people are encouraged to break the mold rather than squeeze into it. Dig is a place that is so peaceful, that our Lord does not cloak himself in his visits to us...he walks around freely. It is beautiful, happy, and serene, and YOU are there! All of the beautiful friends who want the world we are on now to be a harmonious place! A place where children can run in the great outdoors without fear. A place where u can b u and i can b me, and we Love each other that way without prejudice or criticism. Join me...we can create such a place if we ALL join hands!

My homeworld would be a place where there was no division between male and female, conscious and unconscious. All beings there would work directly from a well-connected soul. A soul connected into the collective consciousness of all the other beings on the world. A place where "instant message" meant a warm thought from across the continent. There would be no money. Everyone would do what s/he did best, and then share the fruits of her/his work with those nearby.

There would be only one area of land, all creatures living in sweet harmony. There will be no greed, no disease, no pollution, and definitely no money. The creatures will only live 4 love, because love will live 4 us all. We are now in heaven.

My planet would be just like the planet we all live on--with a few minor exceptions.... First, no guns. Second, no drugs. Third, no war. Fourth, no disease. Fifth, no hate. Sixth, no poverty. Seventh, no starvation. Without these things, Mother Earth would be a paradise once again.

It would be a place where everyone could be themselves without fear of being rejected or ridiculed, even if they are unusual. It would be a place where honesty is expected and people always live up to that standard. It would be a place where no one is lonely and there would be trust among all people. It would be a place where women are repected. A place where there is no such thing as race or color. A place where people realize the more important things in life.

If I could create a planet, it would be a planet of peace, care free and full of love! Everyone would own a top choice home with accommodations included, there would be no such thing as "want". Music would feel the air, the weather would be great year round and the food, unbelievable......the planet would be called "Planet Embrace" because every moment would be just that-an embrace.

i would create a planet where people would be treated equally... where racism is non-existant... where the natives would be colorblind... where the natives would not care who sleeps with whom...

A planet where boys and girls could live 2gether in harmony. a planet where no one would desire the excesses in life - every1 would just be happy with the necessities - Food, water and love.

A place where our children could be free from hunger, violence and poverty... Its a simple answer to your question, maybe even typical, but when I look in the eyes of my own children...This is all that my heart wishes 4.

Assuming that God is still the creator, I would not be very concerned with the appearance of my planet for everything that God creates is beautiful in itself. However, in my planet every living creature would realize and appreciate the beauty of God's creations. There would be no racial tension or in that case, any form of tension between humans. There would be no exploitation of helpless animals for ANY reason. Nature would thrive because we would be so appreciative of its beauty that we couldn't help but take only that which we absolutley need...never being selfish. Love would permeate every aspect of life: every being, every action, every moment of time.

I could fill a library with all the ideas i have for a planet but the single most important thing would be....there would be no money, all people would do their part for the good of the whole and noboby would "want" for anything. Nobody would be judged by how much they r "worth". All things would be available in exchange for ur contribution to society in whatever way u r capable.

My planet would be no different from the one you see before you. The difference would lie in the minds and hearts of the people therein. Positive energy would be as abundant as food, and unlocked doors and trust would be commonplace. The only color the people would see is beauty. Their every action would be in Love. Everyone would live life with their eyes open, their hearts full, and no moment would be lost. And no one would feel the need to hide their smiles. The planet itself would be as the one beneath your feet. Perfect. Smiles & Love, all.

If I created a planet in it's most basic forms it would be as beautiful as Eden, with ample supplies for all. It would be very rustic. We'd live off the land, and teach our own children.

My planet would be free of violence and hate, all that would exist is love, freedom and peace. Along with the birds chirping you will also hear the laughter of children. Children will be able to live free of fear and stress. The family will once again be the focus of all who live in my planet.

If I could create a planet, it would definitely be very green, with lots of trees and plants...A place where the air we breathe would be pure and where respect and tolerance amongst living creatures would be an evidence that the words war, violence and hatred have no meaning...a place where water, food and essential products would be available for everyone of us...a place where money and power would be replaced by love.

A planet without crime, racism, prejudice, disease, illness, hatred.........A planet centered around love, humor, and having fun!!!

close your eyes, what would make you complete? I would want everyone to have that completion, I guess it's not really a physical planet, but the mystical planet of the soul.

love the planet we're on now. It was created perfectly. The only thing's I would change would be the man-made "oops'". Restore the extinct animals, replant the forests and try to remind everyone that the plants were here first, then the animals then humans. Animals respect us, why can't we respect them?

this would be a place where there would not be such words as power, money, and control. Everyone would be equal and satisfied.

If I could create a planet, it would be just like this one. However, I might be a little more careful in choice of a caretaker for it. This planet is filled with all of the wonders that anyone could ever need if one could appreciate it. A better planet isn't what I would create, but a better world.

I would make it just like this one, except that I would like to give its inhabitants a feeling of closer connection. We may feel alone but we're not and that may be the only fix for the problems we have now. Imagine the love. And love will conquer all evil.

If I could create a planet it would be a place of joy and peace. No pain, only love, one would never have 2 fight 2 gain. The creatures which live amongst us would never be touched 4 food, but adored 4 their beauty. There would be no government class to run this planet, only the freedom to speak as one would want. Races would be overlooked an no one would be judged by color. Love would rule the streets tears would only be 4 joy. There would be no hate, only peace love and joy.

I would take all the things we were taught as children and put them into practice. I feel we have so much potential to do good here. 2 love is 2 love without limits. We would never walk around a man in need, we wouldn't have 2 walk in someone's shoes 2 understand their pain. We would do like we were taught as little children, treat others as we wish 2 be treated.

I would sculpt a planet, like my thoughts of Heaven... Maybe, call it Paradise. Where LOVE would be contagious... An epidemic. Where evil could not survive. A world without knowledge of sadness and pain... And the sky... Bright and sunny during the day, perfectly blue with silver shooting stars at nite... Freedom, music, peace and Love, and more Love to be shared with and by all- and most of all... with those ever-so-close to your heart. A happy-funky-lively-planet. Such a beautiful place...

In my world, there would be no "civilization." There would only be nature, in it's pure, unaltered state. We would live commensalist lifestyles with nature. No gun, no pollution. Simply nature and love.

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