Thursday, July 4, 2024



In r hearts, a marriage is a joining of 2 souls, a reality 4med n love. But n our society, marriage has become something else; it is no longer the spiritual ideal. 2 us marriage has become little more than a legal CONtract. It has bcome an 'institution.'

Look up the word "marriage" in the dictionary and u will find 'the state in which a man and a woman r 4mally united 4 the purpose of living 2gether (usually in order 2 procreate children) and with certain legal rights and obligations 2wards each other."

Legal rights and obligations? R these the right foundations 4 a relationship that is supposed 2 b about love? Of course not. The man made CON vention of marriage is a CON tract, CON onceived and CON structed by man 4 his own reasons and agendas. Y, in the definition of the word marriage is there no mention of the word LOVE?

Love is unlimited, eternal and free, and so it must remain. It can not b CON fined in2 a man-made obligation. The vows that we make r not based on the teachings of God and they r not made 4 reasons of Love.

When we choose 2 further r spiritual xperience by joining with another soul in a relationship of deep love, we do not need 2 define it with man-made legal terminology. We should not start out on such a relationship by making 'promises' that r more 2 do with r need 4 financial support and sexual relationships than our spiritual development. A marriage should b an environment of love n all its definitions. We should celebrate r joining with a declaration of our love, truth and unity. We should view marriage as a joining 4 the purpose of giving understanding, knowledge and compassion, not 4 the purpose of receiving security. A marriage is not about possession, restriction or entrapment. It is about sharing our highest self and our deepest emotions, and it is about the highest xpression of God that resides within us... LOVE, and love must always b freely given if it is 2 b true.

If we did not feel the need 2 'own' another, we would not need the 'legal' ties of marriage. In these times of pre-nuptial agreements we set out in married life with an assumption of failure, a belief that if we r not legally tied 2gether we have no reason 2 stay together. And yet 4 love 2 thrive and flourish it must b free, we must b-live in each other and by giving each other freedom, the love and trust that we have shown will be given back 2 us tenfold. That is the real foundation of a marriage. LOVE , UNITY and FREEDOM.

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