Thursday, July 4, 2024



The grand creation game

This is not a comment-ary, but a common-terra - a solid ground on which must stand all creators of this brave new world, the internet.

We r at the dawning of a new age where what we think soon comes 2 b. The turnaround time from dream 2 reality is lessening on a daily basis, and the internet is the proving ground 2 c that we get it right.

There is tremendous freedom here not often xperienced in the outer world, but with that freedom comes tremendous responsibility.

The internet is a grand civilization-creation game. There r an unlimited amount of players (creators) and all r equal thruout the game. The freedom given 2 one person 2 display creations here is the same freedom given 2 another. Each can create anything and as much of it as he wishes, and share it with the rest of the civilization in any manner he chooses.

This civilization is called TRUST. As the grand creators of TRUST, we r all responsible 4 its health and well-being. As we create, we must ask rselves: "is this thing i am creating beneficial 2 others in this civilization?" If not, skip it. All locales in Trustworld r designed 2 b harmonious with the others. All creators must b as well - there shall b no 'borrowing' or 'repackaging' of another's works and calling it one's own - that is grounds 4 xpulsion from this game. Borrowing is easy, but borrowing destroys trust, and there4, the entire civilization. Trust dies when any creator/player takes away another's freedom 2 play, create and xpress itself the way it chooses. If that happened, we'd all lose.

As equals in this game, we all gain by building upon TRUST. In trust r found peace, harmony, happiness and progress. The technology in this civilization - live video footage, downloadable music, 'virtual' virtually anything - is growing by leaps and bounds every day. Each creation works best when firmly rooted in trust - there would b no need 4 security codes, watermarking or policing. Imagine the beauty we will find when creators r fully free 2 xpress their visions without having 2 deal with all that other stuff that's best left in a place of the past.

When we all live in TRUST, we all win.
We're ready, how about u?

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