Thursday, July 4, 2024



People don't get along 4 age-old reasons--some have and some have not. Color has nothing 2 do with it. Color is an illusion all of us use 2 describe each other. Un4unately, it is the only language we understand, and it is a distraction from the real issues.

 U r not being asked 2 abandon ur culture or traditions. Through ur culture, u have the opportunity 2 relate with ur humanity and therefore ur connection 2 all. However, b aware that there is a fine line between embracing ur ethnicity and using it as a weapon, a means of illustrating 2 others ur separation from them.

 For 2 long, we have been sold on the lie that separation gives us strength. Separation makes it easier 4 those who have accumulated wealth 2 detach themselves from those who struggle 2 make it from day 2 day. Separation perpetuates the idea in oppressed communities that outside forces control ur destiny and strength is found in keeping 2 ur own. Skin color often defines the battle lines because it is an easy way 2 categorize people. Humanity is broken down in2 races-away from each other.

 One race can never rule over another unless the slave and the master both buy in2 the illusion. Children r born with the knowledge that we r one with God and with each other. They r soon taught separation. If all children grow up in absolute freedom--spiritual, economical and otherwise--there will b no issue of race. Being born in freedom is different on all levels. Ur first words r different. Everything is different.

The Internet is a laboratory for the best and the worst that humanity has 2 offer. It can b a tool for positive change bcuz the illusion of separation can be easily shattered. When the playing field is level, when we all have computers and freedom, we get along despite skin color. There r no colorlines online. There is no separation.

 Ask urself, who r u when u take off the mask of ur race? How do u c others when ur mask is removed? It is time 4 a NEW WORLD. That world is not present yet. It is up 2 US. When u act as if u r separate from no one, u bring 4th this world. Understand that we r not here 2 create power over, but 2 learn that true power is power with. There is enough for all. We are all one.


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