Thursday, July 4, 2024


 Live 4 Love

What if every1 b lieved that 2 love one another is more important than anything else? What if we gave love unconditionally, just 4 the sake of giving? The dawn of a new world is upon us, and what we c in the outside world depends upon what we cre8 inside. Let's cre8 love.......

Here r some ways we can all spread love... most do not take much money, time or effort, just love. Love given unconditionally cre8s more love, which cre8s more love... the rewards r many. Try it, u'll like it!

 Feed a friend - Some people have no home but the streets, and no home often means no food. So y not pack some lunches and pass them out 2 the neighborhood hungry? ...A peanut butter and jelly sandwich with fruit 4 dessert will bring many warm thank-u's!

 Clothing drive - Nearly all of us have clothes in r closets that we rarely wear, so y not give the goods 2 some1 who can use them? Ask all your friends and relatives 4 their gently-worn clothes and donate the lot 2 a battered women's shelter, homeless shelter, or another place that will give the items away free 2 those in need.

 Save your change - At the end of each day, put your loose change in a jar... 1ce the jar is full, donate the amount 2 a favorite cause, or buy a meal 4 some1 on the streets.

 Teach some1 2 read - Many libraries need volunteers 2 teach adults 2 read. Without reading skills, it would b difficult 2 write and there4 apply 4 employment... volunteering a few hours of your time may help some1 land the job that will feed their family!

 Share the load - Offer 2 carry groceries or packages 4 your older neighbors and any1 who may have a difficult time of it. U will warm their hearts!

 Run errands - Single parents r constantly juggling 12 activities at 1ce... offer 2 run errands, drop the kids off or watch them 4 a while so the parent may have some self-time.

 Cook a meal - Invite some1 who lives alone over 2 dinner -- a neighbor, a relative, a stranger down the street -- they'll enjoy the company and u will 2!

 Hospital visits - Visit a local nursing home or hospital and spread a little cheer 2 a stranger... play a game with them, read them a book, or just offer them a smile and your time.

 This land is your land - Enjoy a park's beauty -- participate in it! Take an hour and pick up the loose trash at your favorite park... this is a good family project, 2!

 Pay a stranger's toll - Bridge fare, turnpike fare, or any other traveling xpenses will work... random acts of kindness can brighten some1's day, and yours 2!
-contributed by: J.

 B a childhood friend...volunteer 2 take children from a shelter 2 a museum, a park, or any beautiful place. Help them b come whatever they seek 2 b come, and show them some1 truly cares... The xperience is priceless!
-contributed by: D. and Tamyra

 Teach love - Teach children 2 appreciate and contribute 2 the community they r a part of, even in the "hood." Show them the beauty of sticking around and helping others up the ladder. Show love 2 encourage love.
-contributed by: Anonymous

 Hire the homeless - If u run a business, hire the homeless. Even if it's only 4 the occassional errand, there is always some xtra work that needs 2 b done!
-contributed by: Vanessa

 Help r furry friends - Donate spare time or change 2 your local animal shelter... animals r a great source of unconditional love. Giving a homeless animal love (or better yet, a home) is enriching, 2!
-contributed by: Samantha

 A hug & a smile - Give a smile and a hug 2 your family and friends or whomever appears they may need could use makes a difference!
-contributed by: Erin

 Gardens of gratitude - Start a community garden, or volunteer if your community already has one. Teaching people how 2 grow their own food will help them thrive 4 years 2 come, and has many emotional benefits as well!
-contributed by: Robert

 Homeless pets like treats 2! - Dogs r a source of unconditional love, so many of the homeless have dogs as companions. Carry a bag of doggie treats in your car, and when u offer help 2 a homeless person with a dog, pass the treats on for their pet!
-contributed by: Marianne

We'd like 2 hear your ideas of showing love 4 one another... send them 2 us at  S̶h̶o̶T̶h̶e̶L̶o̶v̶e̶@̶a̶o̶l̶.c̶o̶m̶...thanx!

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