Thursday, July 4, 2024



In 1985 Live Aid raised £200million 2 combat famine. African countries pay back that amount indebt repayments every week.


2day people as diverse as PopeJohn Paul II, Muhammad Ali, Stevie Wonder, Bill Jordan, Desmond Tutu,Bono and Jesse Jackson Jr. r calling on us 2 help make the newmillennium a real reason 4 celebration.


Jubilee 2000 is an internationalmovement in over 40 countries. It is working 2ward a debt free start2 the Millennium 4 a billion people. "We r calling 4 a one-offcancellation of the unpayable debts of the world's poorestcountries by the year 2000," says their spokesperson.


Many r unaware that over 50countries in the world have debts that they will never b able 2 payback, debts that r paid daily with people's lives. The debt burden onthe poorest countries takes up 93% of their income. These debtrepayments divert resources from health, sanitation and education. In1997, the United Nations Development Program stated that 21 millionchildren's lives could b saved if the money used 4 debt servicewas put in2 health and education.


The Jubilee 2000 campaign wasinspired by the scriptural idea of the Jubilee Year: periodically,every 7 x 7 years (i.e. 50 years), debts r 4given and slaves setfree, and "liberty is proclaimed throughout the land." Jubilee is atime 2 apply self-righting mechanisms 4 restoring balance 2 society.The Millennium is an unprecedented opportunity 2 celebrate, and whatbetter way 2 celebrate than by canceling debts and giving a newstart 2 the world's poor. A new hope 4 the poor and a new start 4international relations!


2 find out about The Jubilee 2000Coalition in ur own country and how u can help, start by visiting oneof their web sites




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