Thursday, July 4, 2024



Welcome 2 Love 4 One Another's Charity High Way... the internet roadway linking needs with fulfillment. This global lovesuperhighway joins needs with deeds, delivering goods where they're needed via those who have them 2 offer.

Garden Season

Guess what? It's garden season again - time 4 new growth, commUNITY, and replenishment. Let's set a record this year and c how many free gardens we can all help with and how many hungry neighbors we can feed. Here's how 2 help:

Find out about ur local community gardening programs and help them cover some new ground - the mo helpers, the mo fun!

  • Donate some garden gear 2 the new farmin' friends involved in the project - community gardeners often r short on good tools.

  • Ask ur local garden centers 2 donate seeds, tools, etc.

  • Plant a vegetable garden in ur own yard, and if u already have one, grow a little xtra 2 help those who don't have access 2 one. Good food feeds the soul, 2!

  • Invite neighborhood kids over 2 help plant some veggies and let them INjoy the progress and share the edible profits... not only is it great fun, but they will learn about health, the earth, and helping their families. All this, plus they get 2 play with their food! Fun!
  • Nearly every large community has a free-garden agency... here's a few 2 get u started:

  • In MPLS/St. Paul, visit the Sustainable Resources Center of the Urban Lands program.
  • in Seattle, contact GROW (Garden Resources Of Washington)
  • in New York: Green Guerrillas (these guys have great free seminars and classes as well - check it out!)
  • Check out r latest addition:

    All year long, the HIGHway helps bridge the gap between needs and those who can fulfill them.
    Have extra appliances u no longer need, but would like 2 donate 2 someone or an agency that needs them? We'll find a recipient. Need baby items but can't afford them? We'll hook u up with a donor. Does your innercity afterschool program need computers? We'll help find some.
    Here's how it works: email us with information about items u have 2 donate (or need), and a contact #. We'll search our database until we find a match thru another individual or charitable organization in your locality, and it's all set!

    Some of the items needed:

    - functional appliances
    - lightly-used furniture
    - baby items (strollers, cribs, etc.)
    - functional computers/educational software
    - lightly-worn clothing
    - school supplies
    - blankets/sleeping bags

    This charity service is available cost-free, thanx 2 volunteers and agencies that can pick up and deliver goods at no cost. If you would like 2 volunteer in your town, write us! Assistance is always welcome.

    Email us at thanx 4 writing!

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